Enneagram Coaching: your Pathway to Presence™
Personal Coaching
Currently accepting applications for 1:1 Enneagram Coaching. Email hello@soulpath-guidance.com for questions and to request an application.
SoulPATH™ Coaching Process - Overview
➤ STEP 1: Personality ➤ STEP 2: Authenticity ➤ STEP 3: Three Centers ➤ STEP 4: Healthy Integration
If you are wondering why life isn’t working, it’s because of the life script your unconscious has formed. Enneagram Coaching serves to wake you from that narrative so you can author the life you were meant to live.
➤ STEP 1: Personality Type identification through The Enneagram. This begins with my self-assessment tool and then I help you in mapping your unconscious patterns of behavior through the framework of The Enneagram. Through acceptance, you begin to approach authenticity.
➤ STEP 2: Authenticity is truth in the moment, and it requires courage. Authenticity defines your life when you return to Presence. Presence is existing while grounded in your true nature. Your initial return to Presence requires support because all the things you spend so much energy pretending are not here, come flooding in. Having a guide support your acceptance of life on life’s terms brings incredible, embodied courage by being with the discomfort of the pain you avoid. Presence is enhanced through balancing The Three Centers of Intelligence.
➤ STEP 3: The Three Centers of Intelligence are: the Instinctive Center - experienced as a grounded body; the Feeling Center - experienced as an open heart; and the Thinking Center - experienced as a clear mind. Every Type unconsciously maintains a distortion oriented in one of the Three Centers. I teach you to appropriately ground into your Three Centers of Intelligence and invite you to balance them. This gets you out of distortion and begins Healing Integration.
➤ STEP 4: Healthy Integration of your Three Centers creates alignment with unlimited access to integrated wisdom within you. You experience awakened, LIVELY access to your full human experience. With more or all of you grounded into the HERE + NOW, you create spacious moments of CHOICE. Choice equates personal power. Personal power is required to create your dream life. With practice at Healthy Integration, something wonderfully Divine occurs … you shift from an attitude of “what was I born to get?” to “what was I born to give?”
On your continuing journey of personal and professional development, you can expect to arrive at troublesome places. I journey with you as Coach to guide you beyond those toward your truer nature.
At some level, you already know what is right for you. I listen deeply to you and create a space for you to listen deeply to yourself with more curiosity, truthfulness and trust.
The sustainable benefits of coaching typically result from consistent action taken over time. I strongly recommend that Clients be willing to commit to a minimum of a 3-6 months coaching process.
Coaching/Guidance Overview
A trained Enneagram Coach does many things to support you - holds practical and sacred space for you, asks questions or interviews you, applies truths and wisdom when needed, listens deeply for patterns and telltale signs and discerns, assigns “homework,” and is both nurturing + motivating when required. All of this is done through the symbol’s framework for effectiveness and efficiency. I trained at both Enneagram Worldwide + The Deep Coaching Institute and adhere to their strict coaching edict for the confidential + cherished growth of Clients.
SoulPATH™ Coaching Process - Comprehensive
An overview of the 9 personality Types and the Enneagram structure of The Enneagram as a symbol are on my About Enneagram Page. This page gives an overview of Enneagram Coaching framework.
➤ STEP 1: Personality
Identifying Your Dominant Type
Identifying your Type begins with my FREE self-assessment GIFT. Because discovering your Type can be challenging + raise questions, I’ve created an F.A.Q. Page as a support tool. It’s normal to experience uncertainty between Types, or to resist being “labeled” or “constrained” to just one Type. You’ll learn that the various Types you’re attracted to are closely associated to your actual dominant Type. Your Type is only your dominant Ego personality. While you might be confused by or even seduced by qualities of another Type, it’s initial acceptance of your actual dominant Type that leads to recognizing your auto-pilot patterns of behavior. As a Coach, I'll hold space for you as I guide you through self-examination.
Because your Soul is unique, you are not always an exact Type. There will be incremental variation. The objective is to use the Points on The Enneagram Circle to get close enough to begin noticing your subconscious patterns of behavior. Then, the more you self-observe, the more accurate your typing becomes. Consciously working from a dominant type accelerates your inner work needed to heal and grow. It can seem counter-intuitive at first, but becomes sound + fluid with guidance.
Ultimately, The Enneagram is an “inside job” of determining your Type and coming to know and understand your own focus of attention, core beliefs, coping strategies and path of development. The primary value of the Enneagram does not come from identifying your Type based on external behaviors, but from a deeper understanding of how behavioral patterns relate to your focus of attention, motivation and personal experience.
Developing + Practicing Presence of Essence
Presence is the key to personal power. When we know what takes us out of Presence (our autopilot Enneagram patterns), we have a map to get back to the precious moments in life that call for us to be the most authentic, balanced, happiest versions of ourselves. From this empowered place, we become leaders of our lives at work and at home. The Enneagram framework illuminates choice and holds the wisdom to see you are more than your personality. You are connected to the circuitry of life more than your rational minds can (most of the time) fathom and you are always always always surrounded by a field of grace. Always.
There are many ways to get there. The Enneagram is not the only way. However, I find it to be one of the most convenient and effective symbols or tools that provide this framework. I know it, love it and teach it well.
A Powerful Framework
The Enneagram provides a powerful framework for accelerating self-knowledge, for releasing human suffering; for living life with more awareness, flexibility and effectiveness; and for experiencing the expansiveness and liberation of our spirit. It offers visibility into tendencies that often unconsciously drive you and color your experience of reality. Coaches use the Enneagram to help you see and detach from your subtle but powerful personality tendencies.
➤ STEP 2: Authenticity
Presence Has Your Back™
Once you've consciously practiced Soul Presence, you never forget what it feels like, and you can always access it. You actually practiced it as a newborn child. But then, you forgot. You forgot when adjusting to the imperfect world around; participating in the surrounding theater of dramas - family, friends, school and greater community. There was no avoiding it as there was no avoiding formation of your Ego. A trained Coach skillfully brings great awareness for you to experience your Ego patterns in the moment, and you have a direct experience of what it’s like for you to be uniquely Soul Present. When you are held by an Enneagram Coach, you are held in a framework that is rooted in the deep wisdom of paradox. You are able to widen your container of Truth as a Coach guides you through the paradox of your holding onto both what you pursue and what you avoid simultaneously. Within that experience, you’ll notice pain. This pain you’ve unconsciously held onto is actually the doorway to the freedom you crave.
You are Indeed Unique + the World needs your Soul Presence
Approaching yourself with The Enneagram calls forth, through its framework, and activates your inner landscape. With guidance through the framework and continued practice you become intimate with your inner self. Through self-assessment and self-acceptance, an innocent childlike curiosity for self yields tremendous self-compassion for your born unique nature. You begin profound expansion in self-awareness which inevitably leads to expanded awareness of your outer landscape. Your newly cultivated self-compassion is directly transferable to the outer world.
Those lurking self-doubts that we either ignore or brush aside are like whispers of your Soul calling you to become much more of yourself. Again, there is nothing wrong with you - nothing to fix, nothing to delete, nothing to add, nothing to transcend. Your new intimacy with self simply makes you more present. It is only the practice of Presence in your very unique nature that you're lacking.
Reasons For guidance
The Enneagram is at first is a counter-intuitive approach because it requires seeing beyond your Ego. The Ego is a survival mechanism and it resists at first. But with acceptance, its shifts and we see that we are not who we think we are - not even as successes. There is always much more to ourselves than we think.
➤ STEP 3: The Three Centers
Part of the framework allowing you to expand in such a way is the innate, deeper intelligence and gives you a different, expanded sense of self.
Remember, Presence is enhanced through balancing The Three Centers of Intelligence or “Fields of Awareness”:
Instinctive Center - experienced as a grounded body.
Feeling Center - experienced as an open mind.
Thinking Center - experienced as a clear mind.
A Coach guides you on working with these Centers – learning their languages and acquiring new practices to deepen our contact with them – provides a fast and powerful way to build Presence. Being fully present becomes experiencing the entirety of each moment as feeling, thinking and being in your body simultaneously. We move from thinking we have a body to inhabiting our bodies.
➤ PART 4: Healing/Healthy integration:
Layers of Application
I see The Enneagram as a living symbol or tool that teaches us to be actively present with ourselves and with our fellow humans. It teaches us how to engage in “movements of honor and compassion” or “dances of awareness and Soul esteem” with ourselves and others.
As you learn to attune to your internal experience, you begin the journey from constriction to expansion; you “unhinge” from tendencies that may be familiar and comfortable, but hold you back from engaging with our “best self.” Through The Enneagram, a Coach helps you to unveil the deeper truth, power, compassion and fulfillment that is your birthright. Through The Enneagram, you discover that you have always held the key to that which you have been seeking. Through The Enneagram, you can come Home to yourself, and make deeper contact with your Soul Gifts.
Benefits of Enneagram SoulPATH™ Coaching - Resulting From Appropriate Practiced Application
Release yourself from your Ego and move toward liberation, power and undying joy.
Alignment to your Soul Gifts + Soul Calling (often leads into Soul Archetypes Consulting).
Unlimited access to integrated wisdom.
Discovery that choice becomes possible for a dream life, a dream career, a dream partnership, a dream relationship with your kids.
Access to empathy and understanding toward family, friends, co-workers and associates because knowing your Type and understanding theirs gives you access to an optimal mode of communicating you were previously unaware of.
Awareness that you are unique and everyone else is also.
Awareness that you are not your type.
Dynamic Self-discovery.
Shared perspective.
Clarifying + enhancing your most unique qualities.